Month: May 2024

Georgia Protests Could Escalate

Photo courtesy Ambebi. By Jeremy Lichtman The Georgian parliament has passed its third reading of a controversial foreign agents bill. The bill will likely be vetoed by the pro-EU president of the country. However, the governing Georgia Dream party has sufficient votes to override her veto. So the bill will almost certainly pass soon. It…
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Why the Sahel Actually Matters (Possibly To You, Too)

By Jeremy Lichtman — 2 min read We’ve published several stories lately on recent events across several countries in the Sahel region. Speaking with a colleague this week, he noted that matters in that region are of exceedingly little interest to the news-reading audience. This is in no way a criticism of his comment. Weeks…
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BestWorld website announcement

Today, a Russian diplomat is negotiating gold mining with the Sudanese Minister of Minerals

Mikhail Bogdanov, the Special Representative of the Russian President for the Middle East and Africa and Deputy Foreign Minister, and the Sudanese Minister of Minerals, Muhammad Bashir Abu Nomo, are meeting April 28-29 in Port Sudan to discuss the nation’s gold mining industry. Sudan is the 3rd largest producer of gold in Africa and could…
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BestWorld website announcement

BestWorld Unveils New Web Portal

Internet startup BestWorld rolled out a new, robust web portal May 2. The new site features in depth information about the BestWorld organization as well as projects and groundbreaking research. In addition to general information about BestWorld and its projects, the site includes multiple avenues for contacting the organization, getting involved, and keeping abreast both…
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When Might Chad Invade Sudan?

There are at least 1 million Sudanese refugees currently in Chad. Chad has frequently played host to Sudanese refugees during previous conflicts, notably during the Darfur war several years ago. Chad and Sudan are ethnically similar, and the border runs through the middle of several tribe’s traditional territory. Additionally, the Sahel region, a dry grassland,…
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